The Law of Gestation – Cultivating Your Dreams
All seeds, both mental and physical, have a gestation period. The challenge with a mental seed is that we don’t know how long the gestation will be. Always nurture your mental seeds with positive thoughts, feelings and actions. When you do, you will create whatever you desire in this lifetime.
The Law of Relativity – Don’t Compare
The law of relativity is the most violated of all the laws. We, more often than not, compare ourselves to others in unhealthy ways. There are many problems to solve. Despite the problems, this is the greatest time to be alive in human history. Use the law of relativity to enhance your life.
The Law of Polarity – Life’s Greatest Gift
Opposites are an amazing gift; they are how we experience life. It is important to remember that without suffering there is no joy. The difficult times give you the context to enjoy the good times. Let negativity go and remember that opposites are your tool to enjoy life.
Transmutation of Energy
The great story of life is the creative process. It is taking your compelling idea and predictably transmuting it into a physical reality. Thoughts are energy and information in a pattern. As you learn to use this law, you can turn your thoughts into anything you desire in this lifetime.
Introduction / Your Brain Synergizes Information
Accumulating knowledge is what separates humanity from every other species. You have accumulated trillions of bits of information over a lifetime. Your brain synergizes this information to create innovative solutions. Businesses can do the same thing by tapping into the grassroots of their organization. When you allow your brain to synergize information you drive innovation.
Your Brain is Success Driven
Your brain is the perfect creative machine. It is fine-tuned for success. You flawlessly create and recreate the pre-programmed images in your mind. When you are the conscious and deliberate creator of these images, you will achieve whatever you desire in this lifetime.
Your Brain Mimics Perfectly
Your brain perfectly mimics the people in your environment. Modeling is the most effective pathway to rapid success. Surround yourself with people that are facilitating your path forward. Your brain immediately identifies with the emotions of others. Develop relationships and seek the information that resonates with your definition of success.
Your Brain Craves Completeness
You want to know the complete truth. Your brain hates gaps and incongruities. There is always a dynamic tension between knowing and not knowing. Learn to live in the wisdom of uncertainty. Don’t close gaps too quickly with people you just met. Don’t leave gaps in your communication. Use gaps strategically in the teaching process.
Your Brain Seeks Knowledge
Your brain is constantly seeking knowledge and information on the topics that are relevant to you. Consciousness processing will guide you towards the information that will move your life forward. In today’s information explosion, your relationship to information is critically important to your success. Eliminate distractions and focus on the knowledge that will advance your…
Your Brain is Truth Seeking
Truth is survival. In the hostile environments of our distant ancestors, being able to quickly determine the reality of a situation was the difference between life and death. You have the same innate desire for accurate information. You look for congruity in other people and yourself. Live your personal truth.